History of the Parkland Neighborhood

Louisville's 1937 Flood Story

The Digital History as Public History class (Hist 510/612) at the University of Louisville had the opportunity to work with oral histories conducted by the Main Street Association.  Susan Foley helped lead the Main Street Association's effort to collect oral histories from the current and previous owners of buildings on Main Street.  These oral histories included information about the buildings, life and business as part of a revitalization effort of Main Street. Ellis and Lloyd took the 1937 Flood, a topic that was mentioned multiple times in the 40 plus interview, and made a podcasts.  This podcast told the story of the 1937 Flood through those oral histories. This Omeka exhibit is an extension of that project and is the same story presented in a different form of digital media.


Created by Lloyd Fowler and Ellis Cassity with special thanks to the Main Street Association and the University of Louisville Photographic Archives.